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(Lumbarda – Cape Ražnjić – Church of the Holy Cross –PržinaBay – Kosovo – GornjeBlato – Javić)        10 km


The trail leads aroundLumbarda and offers beautiful views of the location and its surroundings from the northern side of the island.

A few visible remains of this area’s rich past can be seen along the trail: a 17thcentury square tower built on the still visible foundations of a Roman villerusticae from the 1stcentury BC, the remains of the 15thcentury bishops’ summer residence along the sea on the northern side, and theChurch of the Holy Crossbuilt on the foundations of older buildings on the only rock in the middle of the sand field, which was restored in the 18thcentury.

After passing through the Pržina Bay, we ride uphill to theLumbardabypass road, where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the place, the PelješacChannel andškoji, and beyond it St. Eliah, the highest peak of Pelješac (961 m).

We continue riding through GornjeBlato around the olive groves west of Lumbarda. GornjeBlato is the area where most of the Lumbarda’solive groves are located. For centuries, people in this area have been removing rocks from the land andarranging theminto meje, dry stone walls stretching for miles andspreading through the whole area. In these‘fenced’spaces, olive trees are still grown in the traditional way, without irrigation, which, along with modern fruit processing technologies, delivers top-quality olive oil rich in fruityaromas.



(Lumbarda –Pržina Bay – Baruža – Glogovac –viewpoint – GornjeBlato – Humac –Lumbarda)  12 km


The trail leads around an olive grove west of Lumbarda.

In its southern part, the path leads abruptly uphill to 102 m above sea level, but the view from that locationonto the islands of Mljet, Glavat with its lighthouse, škoji and Lastovo is worth the effort.

On the way down to the town,throughGornjeBlato and Humac to the Korčula–Lumbardamain road, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Lumbarda, the Pelješac ChannelandSt. Eliah, the highest peak of Pelješac (961 m).

The town of Korčulabecame the cultural and administrative center of the island mainly because of its strategic position in the Pelješac Channel, and Lumbarda has always been closely associated with it. In Lumbarda there are still several well-preserved kašteli, fortified summer villas from the 16thand 17thcenturies, built by wealthy Korčula families. The fields of LumbardaprovidedKorčula with fruitsand the renowned Grkwine, and even today the local bus is filled with škver (shipyard) workers and pupils attending schools in Korčula.


(Javić – Kosovo – Gornje Blato – Žrnovo – Lokva – Donje Blato – Lumbarda)                                              15,5 km


The trail begins on the western side of the place, at the foot of the hill on the Koludrt Peninsula, where the Psephismwas found – a Greek inscription from the 3rdcentury BC that documents the founding of an ancient Greek colony at the site of today’s Lumbarda.

The trail goes further, where there are no houses and where the empire of olives and wines begins. We come to a lookout point with a view over the Glavat lighthouse, Mljet and the islands of Lastovo. On poste around the small island ofGlavat,seen in the distance and recognized by its lighthouse, the residents fished mostlysardines. People would spend several days fishing and the caught fish would beimmediately salted. It is said that the truth can be found in wine. For residents of this place this is true in every respect. They fully live both with the Grkwine and from it. Below us, on the lunar landscape, hundreds of rows of grapevinesare planted on wire fences and dug in under the white gravel cover. We stand between the sky and the stone in endless silence.

The southern side of the island, the Defora Bay, is uninhabited because of the winter orchestral jugo that often foams the sea and the waves that rise up to makija, the bushes on the unprotected coast.




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